CITS Course
CITS (Craft Instructors Training Scheme) पाठ्यक्रम एक महत्वपूर्ण शैक्षणिक कार्यक्रम है जो तकनीकी और व्यावसायिक शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में प्रशिक्षकों को तैयार करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। यह पाठ्यक्रम भारत सरकार द्वारा संचालित किया जाता है और इसका उद्देश्य योग्य प्रशिक्षकों को तैयार करना है जो औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थानों (ITI) और अन्य तकनीकी संस्थानों में शिक्षा प्रदान कर सकें। इस ब्लॉग में, हम CITS पाठ्यक्रम की प्रक्रिया, प्रवेश, परीक्षा पैटर्न, और अन्य महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी पर चर्चा करेंगे। CITS एक Comman Entrance Test है
Table of Contents
CITS पाठ्यक्रम हेतु न्यूनतम शैक्षणिक योग्यता
CITS (Craft Instructors Training Scheme) पाठ्यक्रम में आवेदन करने के लिए न्यूनतम शैक्षणिक योग्यता निम्नलिखित है:
- ITI डिप्लोमा: आवेदक को किसी मान्यता प्राप्त औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान (ITI) से संबंधित ट्रेड में डिप्लोमा प्राप्त होना चाहिए। यह डिप्लोमा 2 वर्ष का होना चाहिए।
- अन्य तकनीकी योग्यताएँ: यदि आवेदक ने इंजीनियरिंग या तकनीकी क्षेत्र में स्नातक की डिग्री प्राप्त की है, तो वह भी CITS पाठ्यक्रम के लिए पात्र हो सकता है।
- अन्य योग्यता: कुछ विशेष मामलों में, आवेदकों को अन्य तकनीकी योग्यताओं या अनुभव के आधार पर भी विचार किया जा सकता है, लेकिन यह संस्थान की नीतियों पर निर्भर करेगा।
- NTC/NAC (NCVT certificate in relevant trade) or Diploma/Degree from a recognized Board of Technical Education/University or Equivalent.
- SCVT Candidate भी Eligible है|
- COE Candidate Eligible नहीं है
इस प्रकार, CITS पाठ्यक्रम में आवेदन करने के लिए आवेदकों को अपनी शैक्षणिक योग्यता और तकनीकी ज्ञान को ध्यान में रखते हुए सही दस्तावेज़ों के साथ आवेदन करना होगा।
CITS प्रवेश प्रक्रिया:
CITS में प्रवेश पाने के लिए छात्रों को निम्नलिखित कदम उठाने होंगे:
- आवेदन फॉर्म भरना: CITS प्रवेश के लिए आवेदन फॉर्म ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध होता है। छात्रों को इसे सही-सही भरकर सबमिट करना होगा।
- फीस का भुगतान: आवेदन फॉर्म के साथ निर्धारित फीस का भुगतान करना आवश्यक है।
- परीक्षा की तैयारी: छात्रों को परीक्षा की तैयारी करनी होगी, जिसमें पाठ्यक्रम के अनुसार अध्ययन करना शामिल है।
CITS प्रवेश फॉर्म कब आते हैं?
CITS प्रवेश फॉर्म आमतौर पर हर वर्ष मई-जून में जारी होते हैं। छात्रों को आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर नियमित रूप से चेक करना चाहिए ताकि वे समय पर आवेदन कर सकें।
Age Limit
न्यूनतम आयु सीमा : शैक्षणिक सत्र के पहले दिन या पाठ्यक्रम में निर्दिष्ट अनुसार 18 वर्ष। कोई अधिकतम आयु सीमा नहीं।
CITS प्रवेश फॉर्म की फीस
CITS प्रवेश फॉर्म की फीस लगभग ₹300 से ₹500 तक होती है, जो कि विभिन्न श्रेणियों के अनुसार भिन्न हो सकती है। यह फीस आवेदन प्रक्रिया के दौरान ऑनलाइन या बैंक ड्राफ्ट के माध्यम से भरी जा सकती है। Rs.500/- for General and all other Candidates, Rs.300/- for SC/ST/PH/EWS/Women Candidates
CITS प्रवेश परीक्षा पैटर्न
CITS परीक्षा का पैटर्न निम्नलिखित है:
- प्रश्नों की संख्या: 100 प्रश्न
- प्रकार: बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न (MCQ)
- समय: 2 घंटे
- अंकन प्रणाली: प्रत्येक सही उत्तर के लिए 1 अंक और गलत उत्तर के लिए कोई नकारात्मक अंकन नहीं होता।
CITS प्रवेश परीक्षा का पाठ्यक्रम
CITS परीक्षा का पाठ्यक्रम निम्नलिखित विषयों पर आधारित होता है:
- 75 % Objective Questions CTS/ITI (Craftsman Training Scheme) की सम्बंधित ट्रेड के पाठ्यक्रम से होंगे|
- 25 % Objective Questions Aptitude (तार्किक, संख्यात्मक और तर्कशक्ति) से होंगे|
इस प्रकार, CITS पाठ्यक्रम एक महत्वपूर्ण अवसर प्रदान करता है उन छात्रों के लिए जो तकनीकी क्षेत्र में अपने करियर को आगे बढ़ाना चाहते हैं। सही जानकारी और तैयारी के साथ, छात्र इस परीक्षा में सफलता प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
CITS कोर्स फीस
NSTI में निम्नलिखित शुल्क संरचना का पालन किया जाएगा:
NSTI महिला प्रशिक्षुओं के लिए शुल्क में छूट के संबंध में आदेश DGT-T-11012/21/2022-O/o DIR (CFIs) dated 16.02.2023 का पालन करेंगे|
CITS की महत्वपूर्ण तिथिया
- Application Form -: June
- Entrance Exam -: July/August
- Result -: August
- Counseling -: August
CITS परीक्षा हेतु Cut-off marks
- General Category -: 33 Marks
- OBC/EWS Category -: 29 Marks
- SC/ST/PH -: 20 Marks
किसी भी संस्थान में AICET की मेरिट सूची के बाहर वॉक-इन/प्रत्यक्ष प्रवेश स्वीकार नहीं किया जाएगा।
List of CITS Trade and Entry Qualification
Sr.No | Name of CITS Trades | Entry Qualification | Official Order |
1. | Architectural Draughtsman | Degree in Architecture from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University. OR 03 years Diploma in Architecture after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class 02-year NTC/NAC passed in the trade of “Architectural Draughtsman” + 1 year of related experience. | |
2. | Catering & Hospitality | Master/Post Graduate in Hotel Management & Catering Technology/Catering Technology/Hotel Management/ Hospitality & Tourism/ Hospitality Management/ Culinary Art/Food Production/ Front Office/ Housekeeping/ Food & Beverage Service/Cookery and other related or equivalent Trade or Branch from recognized Board / University. OR Degree in Hotel Management & Catering Technology/Catering Technology/Hotel Management/ Hospitality & Tourism/ Hospitality Management/ Culinary Art/Food Production/ Front Office/ Housekeeping/ Food & Beverage Service/Cookery and other related or equivalent Trade or Branch from recognized Board / University. OR 03 yrs. diploma in Hotel Management & Catering Technology/Catering Technology/Hotel Management/ Hospitality & Tourism/ Hospitality Management/ Culinary Art/Food Production/ Front Office/ Housekeeping/ Food & Beverage Service/Cookery and other related or equivalent Trade or Branch after class 10th from recognized board/ University*. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed Forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th class with 01 year NTC/NAC passed in the trade of Catering & Hospitality or other related trade + 2 years of relevant experience. *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be required. | |
3. | Wood work technician | Degree in Mechanical/Production/Industrial Engineering/ Civil from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical/Production/ Industrial Engineering/Civil after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR OR 10th class with 01 Year NTC / NAC passed in the trade of ‘Wood Work Technician’ + 2 year of relevant experience | |
4. | Computer Aided Embroidery & Designing | Degree in Textile Designing/ Fashion Technology/ Costume Design & Dress Making from recognized Board / University. OR 03 yrs. diploma in Textile Designing/ Fashion Technology/ Costume Design & Dress Making after class 10th from recognized board/ University. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 1 years NTC/NAC in the trade of “Computer Aided Embroidery & Designing” +2 years related experience *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be required. | |
5. | Computer Hardware and Networking Maintenance | Degree in Computer Science / IT/Electronics Engineering or NIELIT “B” from recognized Board/ University. OR 03 years Diploma in Computer Science / IT/Electronics Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR 10th Class with 01-year NTC/NAC in CHNM or related trades + 02 year of relevant experience. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian armed force with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR | |
6. | Machinist and Operator Advance Machine Tool | Degree in Mechanical/Production/ Metallurgy / Mechatronics Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical/Production/ Metallurgy / Mechatronics Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR OR 10th Class with 02-year NTC/NAC in Machinist trade + 01 year of relevant experience. | |
7. | ComputerSoftware Application | Degree in Computer Science/ Computer Application/ Information Technology from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University. OR Post Graduate in Computer Science /Computer Application / IT from UGC Recognized University OR NIELIT “B” or equivalent from recognized Board/ University. OR PGDCA from UGC recognized University or NIELIT A Level. OR 03 years Diploma in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education or Advanced Diploma (Vocational) in ITN&C from DGT. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed Forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 01-year NTC/NAC in COPA or DBSA + 02 years of relevant experience. | |
8. | Cosmetology | Degree in Cosmetology/ Hair & Skin Care/ Beautician Courses from recognized Board / University. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 03 yrs. diploma in Cosmetology/ Hair & Skin Care/ Beautician Courses after class 10th from recognized board/ University*. OR 10th Class with 01 year NTC/ NAC passed in the trade of Cosmetology/Hair & Skin Care/ Beautician’ + 2 year of relevant experience. *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be required. | |
9. | Desktop Publishing Operator | Degree in Computer Science/Computer Application/ Information Technology/ Printing Technology from recognized Board/ University. OR 03 yrs. Diploma in Computer Science/Computer Application/ Information Technology/ Printing Technology after class 10th from recognized board/University*. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed Forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th class with 01 year NTC / NAC passed in the trade of ‘Desktop Publishing Operator’ + 2 years of relevant experience. *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be required. | |
10. | Draughtsman Civil | Degree in Civil Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College / University. OR 03 years Diploma in Civil Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 02 Year NTC/ NAC passed in the trade “Draughtsman (Civil)” + 1 year of related experience. | |
11. | Draughtsman Mechanical | Degree in Mechanical/ Production Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College / University. OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical/Production Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 02 year NTC/NAC passed in the trade of “Draughtsman (Mechanical)” + 1 year of related experience. | |
12. | Dress Making | Degree in Costume Designing & Dress Making /Fashion Designing/Fashion Technology/ Apparel Technology / Garment Fabrication Technology from recognized Board/ University. OR 03 yrs. diploma in Costume Designing & Dress Making /Fashion Designing /Fashion Technology/ Apparel Technology / Garment Fabrication Technology after class 10th from recognized board/ University*. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th class with 1year NTC/ NAC in the Dress Making + 02 year of relevant experience. *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be required. | |
13. | Electrician | Degree in Electrical/ Electrical and Electronics Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognized Engineering College / University. OR 03 years Diploma in Electrical/ Electrical and Electronics Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 02 year NTC/NAC passed in the trade of “Electrician” + 1 year of related experience. | |
14. | Electronics Mechanic | Degree in Electronics / Electronics and Telecommunication/ Electronics and communication Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University OR 03 years Diploma in Electronics / Electronics and telecommunication/ Electronics and communication after class 10th from AICTE /recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed Forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th class with 02 years NTC passed in the Trade of "Electronics Mechanic" +1 year experience in the relevant field. | |
15. | Fashion Design &Technology | Degree in Fashion Technology / Fashion Designing and Technology from recognized Board / University. OR 03 yrs. Diploma in Fashion Technology / Fashion Designing and Technology after class 10th from recognized Board / University*. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th class with 1 year National Trade Certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in the Fashion Design & Technology + 02 year of relevant experience. *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be required. | |
16. | Fitter | Degree in Fashion Technology / Fashion Designing and Technology from recognized Board / University. OR 03 yrs. Diploma in Fashion Technology / Fashion Designing and Technology after class 10th from recognized Board / University*. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th class with 1 year National Trade Certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in the Fashion Design & Technology + 02 year of relevant experience. *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be required. | |
17. | Fruits and Vegetable processing | Degree in Food Technology/ Food Engineering/Food processing/ Post Harvest Management from recognized Board / University. OR 03 years Diploma in Food Technology/ Food Engineering/Food processing/Post Harvest Management after class 10th from recognized board/University*. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR OR 10th Class with 01 year NTC/NAC passed in the Fruits and Vegetables Processing trade + 02-year of relevant experience. *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be required. | |
18. | Foundryman | Degree in Mechanical/ Metallurgy/ Production Engineering/ Advanced Diploma in Foundry Technology from AICTE/UGC recognized Engineering College/ university. OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical/ Metallurgy/ Production Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed Forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 01 year NTC/NAC passed in the trade of “Foundryman” + 2 years of related experience. | |
19. | Information Technology | Degree in Engineering/ Technology in Computer Science/ IT/ Electronics & Communication from recognized Engineering College / University. OR 03 yrs. Diploma in Computer Science / Computer Application/ IT after class 10th from recognized Engineering College / University*. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian armed force with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR OR 10th class with 02- year NTC / NAC passed in the trade of ‘Information Technology’ + 1 year of relevant experience. *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be required | |
20. | Instrument Mechanic | Degree in Instrumentation/ Instrumentation and Control Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognized Engineering College/ university. OR 03 years Diploma in Instrumentation/Instrumentation and Control Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed Forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th class with 02 years NTC/NAC passed in "Instrument Mechanic or other related trade" + 01 year of relevant experience. | |
21. | Interior Design & Decoration | Degree in Interior Design & Decoration/ Architecture / Civil Engineering from recognized University. OR 03 yrs. Diploma in Interior Design & Decoration/ Architecture / Civil Engineering after class 10th from recognized Board/University*. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR OR 10th class with 1year NTC/NAC passed in the trade of “Interior Design & Decoration” + 02 year of experience *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be required. | |
22. | Laboratory Assistant Chemical Plant (CITS) | Degree in Chemical/ Petro chemical/ Technology/ Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognized Engineering College/ university. OR 03 years Diploma in Degree in Chemical/ Petro chemical/ Technology/ Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR OR 10th Class with 02-year NTC/NAC passed in the Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant) trade + 01 year of relevant experience. | |
23. | Machinist Grinder | Degree in Mechanical/Production Engineering rom AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University. OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical/Production Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 02-year NTC/NAC in Machinist (Grinder) + 01 year of relevant experience. | |
24. | Mechanic Agricultural Machinery | Degree in Agricultural Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognized engineering college/University. OR 03 years Diploma in Agricultural Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized Board / University. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed Forces with 15 years of service inrelated field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 02 year NTC/NAC passed in the trade of “Mechanic Agricultural Machinery” + 1 year of related experience. | |
25. | Mechanic Diesel | Degree in Mechanical/ Automobile Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical / Automobile Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed Forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 01-year NTC/NAC in Mechanic (Diesel) or related trades + 02 year of relevant experience. AND Essential:Valid MCWG & LMV driving License Mandatory for all. | |
26. | Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance | Degree in Mechanical/Production Engineering from AICTE/ UGCrecognized Engineering College/ University. OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical/Production Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 02-year NTC/NAC in Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance+ 01 year of relevant experience | |
27. | Mechanic Refrigeration andAir- Conditioning | Degree in Mechanical Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University. OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 02-year NTC/NAC in the Mechanic RAC/ RAC Technician or other related trades + 01 year of relevant experience. | |
28. | Mechanic MotorVehicle | Degree in Mechanical / Automobile Engineering AICTE/UGC from recognized Engineering College / University. OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical / Automobile Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized Engineering College / University. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed Forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 02 year NTC/NAC passed in the trade of “Mechanic Motor Vehicle or other related trades” + 1 year of related experience. AND Essential: Valid MCWG & LMV driving License Mandatory for all. | |
29. | Mechanic Tractor | Degree in Agriculture Engineering/ Automobile/ Mechanical Engineering (with specialization in Automobile) AICTE/UGC from recognized Board / University. OR 03 years Diploma in Agriculture Engineering/ Automobile/ Mechanical Engineering (with specialization in Automobile) after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized Board / University. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed Forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 01 year NTC/NAC passed in the trade of “Mechanic Tractor” + 2 year of related experience. | |
30. | Office Management | Degree in office management / Secretarial Practice / Modern Office Management from a recognized board/university. OR 03 yrs. Diploma in in office management / Secretarial Practice /Modern Office Management after class 10th from recognized board/ university*. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed Forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 01-year NTC/NAC Passed in Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) or Secretarial Practice (English) + 02 years of relevant experience. *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be required. | |
31. | Painting Technology | Degree in Chemical Engineering from recognized University. OR 03 years Diploma in Chemical Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 02 yearsdi NTC/NAC passed in the trade of “Painter (General) or related trades” + 1 year of related experience. | |
32. | Plumber | Degree in Mechanical/ Civil Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical/ Civil Industrial Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed Forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 01 year NTC in Plumber + 02 year of relevant experience. OR 10th Class with 02 years NAC in Plumber + 01 year of relevant experience | |
33. | Reading of Drawing and Arithmetic (RODA) | Degree in Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University. OR 03 years Diploma in Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 02 years NTC/NAC passed in ‘any Engineering Trade’ + 1 year of related experience. | |
34. | Secretarial Practice(Hindi) | किसी मान्यता प्राप्त विश्वविद्यालय से वाणिज्य/कला में स्नातक की उपाधि या किसी मान्यता प्राप्त शैक्षणिक बोर्ड से कमर्शियल प्रैक्टिस (न्यूनतम 2 वर्ष) में डिप्लोमा एवं अनुभव । या भारतीय सशस्त्र बलों के भूतपूर्व सैनिक जिन्होंने सम्बंधित क्षेत्र में 15 वर्ष की सेवा की हो एवं वाले डीजीआर माध्यम से सम्बंधित क्षेत्र में समकक्षता हासिल की हो या इस माध्यम से संबंकित क्षेत्र में समकक्ष योग्यता प्राप्त की होनी चाकहए। 10वीं कक्षा के साथ 1 वर्ष का आशुलिपिक सचिवीय सहायक (हिंदी) के साथ एन.टी.सी./ एन.ए.सी. + दो वर्ष का प्रासंगिक अनुभव | |
35. | Sewing | Degree in Costume Designing & Dress Making /Fashion Designing/Fashion Technology/ Apparel Technology / Garment Fabrication Technology from recognized Board/ University. OR 03 yrs. diploma in Costume Designing & Dress Making /Fashion Designing/Fashion Technology/ Apparel Technology / Garment Fabrication Technology after class 10th from recognized board/ University*. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th class with 1 year NTC/NAC passed in the trade of Sewing Technology or related trades +2 years relevant experience. *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be Required | |
36. | Sheet Metal Worker | Degree in Mechanical/Production/ Metallurgy/ Mechatronics Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University. OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical/Production/ Metallurgy/ Mechatronics Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 01-year NTC/NAC passed in the Sheet Metal Worker +2 year of relevant experience | |
37. | Surface Ornamentation Techniques | Degree in Costume Designing & Dress Making /Fashion Designing / Fashion Technology/ Apparel Technology / Garment Fabrication Technology from recognized Board / University. OR 03 yrs. diploma in Costume Designing & Dress Making /Fashion Designing / Fashion Technology/ Apparel Technology / Garment Fabrication Technology after class 10th from recognized board/ University*. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR OR 10th class with 1year NTC passed in the trade of “Surface Ornamentation Techniques (Embroidery)” + 2 year related experience. *Wherever diploma is of 2 yr. duration, 1 yr. experience will be required | |
38. | Surveyor | Degree in Civil/Construction Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University. OR 03 years Diploma in Civil/Construction Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th Class with 02-Years NTC/NAC passed in the trade of “Surveyor” + 1 year of relevant experience | |
39. | Tool and Die Maker | Degree in Mechanical/ Production/ Mechatronics Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical/ Production/ Mechatronics Engineering/Tool and Die making after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR OR 10th class with 2-year NTC/NAC passed in the trade of Tool & Die Maker or related trades + 1-year related experience. | |
40. | Turner | Degree in Mechanical Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized Engineering College/ University. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR OR 10th class with 02 year NTC/NAC passed in the trade of ‘Turner’ + 1 year of related experience. | |
41. | Welder | Degree in Mechanical/ Production/ Metallurgy / Mechatronics Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University OR 03 years Diploma in Mechanical/ Production/ Metallurgy/ Mechatronics Engineering after class 10th from recognized Board / University. OR Ex-serviceman from Indian Armed forces with 15 years of service in related field as per equivalency through DGR. OR 10th class with 1-year NTC passed in the trade of Welder or related trades + 2 years related experience | |
42. | Aeronautical Structure and Equipment Fitter | Degree in Aeronautical/ Mechanical Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University OR B.Voc in Aeronautical/ Mechanical Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognized Engineering College/ University OR 03 years Diploma in Aeronautical/ Mechanical Engineering after class 10th from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education. OR Ex-service man from Indian Air Force with 15 years of service in related fields. OR 10th Class 02-year NTC passed in the trade of "Aeronautical Structure and Equipment Fitter" + 1 year of relevant experience |